Health Magazine

Fish Delicacies Help Burn Fat

Posted on the 06 May 2014 by Health_news

Fish helps to burn fat

Fishes, fresh water and sea, come in more than 32,000 varieties and are occasionally classified as whitefish, oil fish or shellfish. Fishes are a good source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The oily fishes such as sardines are known to contain almost 10-25% fats and due to such high contents of fats, these fishes contain a range of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K and essential fatty acids. These are required for the healthy functioning of the human body. Thus, fishes are a healthy food option.

Some of the Health Benefits of Fishes

Researchers have confirmed that the nutrients and minerals found in fishes, especially the omega 3 fatty acids found in pelagic fishes are very good for the heart, facilitates brain development and reproduction.

Health Hazards related to Fishes

Fishes can cause obstruction in the air passage and thus causing choking. Also, some fishes are known to have allergens and biotoxins thus causing allergies in many people. Mostly sea fishes are known to have allergic reactions after consuming. Also, certain fishes if not prepared properly can be serious toxins and can be hazardous.

Fishes as Fat Burning Food

Most of the fat burning foods also help in losing weight. Such food suppress the craving for junk food maintains a healthy body functioning. Rich in nutrient, these foods give a thrust to the metabolism of the body, thus facilitating weight loss though filling the stomach completely. Apples, barley, peas, beans, chickpeas, berries, broccoli, buckwheat, cabbage, carrots, chicken, coffee, corn, cottage cheese, figs, grapefruit, kiwi, leeks, lettuce, melons, mustard, oats, onions, pasta, soups, spinach, tomatoes are a few foods which if included in the diet regularly in controlled quantities can help cut down fat while providing a balanced diet to maintain the necessary metabolism.

Fishes are a very good source of proteins, minerals and vitamins. This enhances the nutrient content of a diet having a considerable proportion of fish. Fishes have a special place among these foods. It’s low on calorie count and thus it’s hard to gain weight if you only have seafood. Even a four once serving of fish would range from 90 to a maximum of 236 calories. Thus, though appetizing filler, it doesn’t add to the fat layer. Fish fats have a very helpful component of omega 3 fatty acid, which increases the good cholesterol in the body and thus maintains a good ration of bad versus the good cholesterol in the human body. The oils present in fish helps in brain development and thus the children are advised to take cod liver oil to improve immunity and help in developing their brains. These oils also help in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol by thinning the blood.

High intake of poultry, meat, eggs can increase cholesterol level and increases the fat intake in the body. Higher intakes of fats would result in fat deposition at various places such as the abdomen, thighs, hands and it will make the body look flabby and not maintained. Having fish would fulfill the protein, mineral, vitamin and calorie intake but it would not deposit and make the body look fat. Thus, for a leaner and thinner look, shifting to a fish diet might give the required output.

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