Dating Magazine
Hey There:
OK, so I decided I should maybe start dating again. These past few months without dating have been great in the sense that I've been able to concentrate on my writing, I now participate in 4 blogs and my women's fiction book is half-way done. I've become a social media socialite with lots of meetups, tweetups, VIP events, etc and have meet really cool people. But once in a while I miss having someone to cuddle up with when watching a movie, though my cat does a good job curling up to me, it's not the same.
Happily I think I finally reached the Zen state where I don't care anymore, not exactly that I don't care, I'm not desperate. I'm sure we've all been there, we contact someone or like someone and we wait for the call/text/e-mail checking constantly, trying to deduce from the time he takes to get back to us how much he likes us. Or get a message from him and stop everything we're doing to answer back as quickly as possible lest he'll think we don't like him. If you are one of those who has never done it...Congrats! It took me months of men detox to reach that state.
Not that I don't like men, I still lust over them. My favorite thing going to the gym is doing my initial warmup on the ellipticals in the second floor overlooking all the tattoed muscled guys pumping iron. That's why yoga, zumba or exercise of that type doesn't interest guys.
Anyway, I've been one week on okCupid since several friends have recommended it and I have to say I like the site. It's fun, cute and the guys seem normal....most of them. Here are some of the funny ones:
"Hi, I'm Joe and my wife is Jane. Can I ask for your name?"
(Don't they know that's what craigslist is for?)
"Hi, you're gorgeous. Are you into Santeria or a Roman Catholic? I ask because you're Hispanic and look kinda goth. I don't practice Santeria. What's your email? I want to send you some attachments."
"Hi, I'm an Aussie with a very sexy accent, I'm seeing someone but she knows I like to flirt online with beautiful smart women."
(The guy's 65....ewwww)
Anyway, I've chit-chatted with a few people, met nobody in person yet. The one guy I sent a message to, took his profile off, so maybe he already has a girlfriend. But the thing is, I'm not being agressive, and I don't worry about not getting daily messages and stuff....which is a nice feeling.
On a side note, while I was at Lestat's last week I saw a guy on the okCupid site for a couple of hours, going through profiles and not that I'm nosy, but the screen was almost in front of me. I kept glancing just to see if my profile popped up, it didn't. Two nights later he came into Lestat's with a date, again not that I'm nosy, but they did seat themselves very close to where I was with my writing pal. The date looked like it went well, but I caught a few deep relationship type questions from him....I just thought "No Dude, too soon, you just met." We'll see if he continues looking.
On another side note, sadly several guys I met at social media events have commented about things I write on the blog. Which kinda sucks! Now all of you are out of know too much! Guys....Stop reading this! It's for gals, wouldn't you feel embarrased if someone walked in a saw you reading a Pink Blog? C'mon, Stop it!
OK, so I decided I should maybe start dating again. These past few months without dating have been great in the sense that I've been able to concentrate on my writing, I now participate in 4 blogs and my women's fiction book is half-way done. I've become a social media socialite with lots of meetups, tweetups, VIP events, etc and have meet really cool people. But once in a while I miss having someone to cuddle up with when watching a movie, though my cat does a good job curling up to me, it's not the same.
Happily I think I finally reached the Zen state where I don't care anymore, not exactly that I don't care, I'm not desperate. I'm sure we've all been there, we contact someone or like someone and we wait for the call/text/e-mail checking constantly, trying to deduce from the time he takes to get back to us how much he likes us. Or get a message from him and stop everything we're doing to answer back as quickly as possible lest he'll think we don't like him. If you are one of those who has never done it...Congrats! It took me months of men detox to reach that state.
Not that I don't like men, I still lust over them. My favorite thing going to the gym is doing my initial warmup on the ellipticals in the second floor overlooking all the tattoed muscled guys pumping iron. That's why yoga, zumba or exercise of that type doesn't interest guys.
Anyway, I've been one week on okCupid since several friends have recommended it and I have to say I like the site. It's fun, cute and the guys seem normal....most of them. Here are some of the funny ones:
"Hi, I'm Joe and my wife is Jane. Can I ask for your name?"
(Don't they know that's what craigslist is for?)
"Hi, you're gorgeous. Are you into Santeria or a Roman Catholic? I ask because you're Hispanic and look kinda goth. I don't practice Santeria. What's your email? I want to send you some attachments."
"Hi, I'm an Aussie with a very sexy accent, I'm seeing someone but she knows I like to flirt online with beautiful smart women."
(The guy's 65....ewwww)
Anyway, I've chit-chatted with a few people, met nobody in person yet. The one guy I sent a message to, took his profile off, so maybe he already has a girlfriend. But the thing is, I'm not being agressive, and I don't worry about not getting daily messages and stuff....which is a nice feeling.
On a side note, while I was at Lestat's last week I saw a guy on the okCupid site for a couple of hours, going through profiles and not that I'm nosy, but the screen was almost in front of me. I kept glancing just to see if my profile popped up, it didn't. Two nights later he came into Lestat's with a date, again not that I'm nosy, but they did seat themselves very close to where I was with my writing pal. The date looked like it went well, but I caught a few deep relationship type questions from him....I just thought "No Dude, too soon, you just met." We'll see if he continues looking.
On another side note, sadly several guys I met at social media events have commented about things I write on the blog. Which kinda sucks! Now all of you are out of know too much! Guys....Stop reading this! It's for gals, wouldn't you feel embarrased if someone walked in a saw you reading a Pink Blog? C'mon, Stop it!