Fitness Magazine

First Storytelling Performance

By Balancingonhoney @balancinghoney

This morning I woke up a few hours early to do some homework before church. I opened up my laptop, checked Facebook, checked my email, and then took a deep breath and opened UNT’s Blackboard learn. I enjoy the content in my classes, but something about online classes has made me less then motivated to spend the necessary time on them.

Well this morning has been pretty productive. I am taking a class called Storytelling for Information Professionals, and I am studying the power and possibilities that storytelling holds. I finished my discussion post on storytelling and motif and moved on to my next assignment.

The assignment is to create a First Person Experience Storytelling Performance on Youtube. I figured my awkward performance might be somewhat entertaining, so I decided I would post it to my blog for all of you to see.

This was a class assignment to tell a personal story about myself on camera. I am not sure if my age is accurate but the story is true, and I am not lying when I say I haven’t told anyone this story! Oh, and I am warning you I feel pretty silly doing this and am pretty sure I look sillier than I feel.



This is how I feel about my performance:

Photo on 6-23-13 at 9.46 PM

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