Health Magazine

First Aid and Accidents in the Workplace

Posted on the 01 June 2016 by Gareth Jones @tutorcare

Accidents in the workplace although rare do unfortunately happen. While you can take precautions to minimise occurrences of such accidents when they do take place you may need to act quickly to avoid further injury or in the worst case save a life. In addition any accidents no matter how serious can also have a negative impact on productivity and output for the organisation itself.

Making your workplace safer can involve training, raising awareness regarding potential risks and installing safety equipment on site. Any workplace injury must be addressed no matter how minor. The types of injury will vary depending upon the environment and in particular the industry but common ones include; fractures, cuts, burns and bleeding as well as pulled muscles. Any incident within the workplace must be logged and reported following the legislation set out by the Health & Safety Executive body for the UK. Known as the “Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations” or (RIDDOR), the HSE have set out a guide to employees and employers regarding their responsibilities for any accident that occurs as a direct result of activity in the workplace.

No matter how small your workforce is, it is important to have one or more staff members trained in at least the basics of First aid. TutorCare offer a wide range of training options, onsite or online that can help ensure your staff know what to do in case of an emergency.

Below are a list of 5 tips on how to deal with common accidents within your workplace and are covered in our First Aid at Work Training (HSE) course. Please note where you are in doubt always call 999 for further assistance. These tips are aimed at helping those with low level injury and ideally should only be done by those that have been suitably trained. You should always seek assistance from a qualified first aider or the medical services with anything more life threatening.

1) When an injured person is discovered, ensure both the victim and the first aider are clear of further danger or hazards. There should be no risks of further injury to either party whilst treatment is undertaken. Switch off machinery and clear space if necessary. If they need to be moved due to further threat being imminent do so providing the casualty isn’t suffering from a spinal or head injury.

2) If a casualty appears to have potential head or spinal injuries, stay with them and raise the alarm for others to contact the ambulance service on 999. Moving the injured person may result in further damage and needs to be done by those that are trained to do so. The same applies to anyone with a broken leg or damaged foot.

3) If the employee suffers from a burn (none hazardous), cool the area as soon as possible with cold water. If deemed serious get them to hospital as quickly as possible.

4) If the casualty is bleeding, raise the injured area above the heart (if possible) and immediately apply some pressure on or near the wound to reduce bleeding. Once the bleeding eases, clean the area ideally with antiseptic and fit a dressing or bandage on the area. Again if the injury is serious either call 999 or take them directly to hospital for further medical attention.

5) Any eye injury will require cleaning as soon as possible. Ensure only clean water is used and attempt (where possible and safe) to get any alien object or substances out of the eye. If this proves difficult and symptoms do not improve seek medical assistance at hospital as they may need specialist treatment to avoid serious damage to the eye.

All of our first aid courses cover the above in much more detail and are designed to benefit not only your business but the individuals that take part. Nothing is more important than ensuring an employee is treated quickly should an accident occur. First Aid Training may not be a pre-requisite in some companies but investing in your staff can make the difference between life and death should a serious incident ever occur on site.

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