Health Magazine

Finding Work Difficult Because of Your Menopause?

Posted on the 04 April 2011 by Menopausesupport @menopauseadvice

Then you’re not alone.  Female staff have told the TUC that their managers don’t recognise their problems – they speak of being criticised for menopause-related sick leave, their embarrassment at discussing the menopause with their employers, and being criticised or ridiculed by their managers on the subject.

The TUC has recently published new guidance on how employers and the union reps can work together to support women through the menopause at work.  The report suggests initiatives such as:

·   the importance of encouraging a positive workplace attitude to the menopause

·   what physical changes can be made to the working environment that willhelp and

·   why working time flexibility is crucial.

Following our successful event at the Stress Awareness Week, Marie Taylor, Organisational Development Manager, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust wrote,

‘Menopause Support, a contributor to our Stress Awareness Week, was very well received.  Over 50 members of staff received advice on managing the menopause and will receive further information via email.  We would like to thank Menopause Support for their support’.


Menopause Support is offering Menopause Awareness Training to work organisations which cover the topics above and more!

If you know of an organisation who might be interested please contact me on [email protected]

and help us to bring an end to the embarrassment, confusion and inaction around the menopause in the workplace.

Thank you. 

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