Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Finding the Good

By Healingyoga

No matter what happens in life, there's always savasana. It may sound funny, but it's true. And it applies to life on and off the yoga mat.

Years ago, I attended a vigorous flow yoga class in a heated room. I wasn't used to practicing in a heated room and felt a bit overwhelmed (re: uncomfortable with and frustrated by) by the amount of sweat pouring off my body, the stuffiness of the room, and the dangerous slipperiness of my yoga mat (which caused my hands to slip right out from under me in Wheel pose -- not fun). About 90 minutes in (the class ran for two hours), I was done. I craved fresh cool air, a drink of water, and some dry clothes. Instead, I focused on how warm and supple my body felt and the sometimes-pleasant feeling of the sweat running off my body. Then came the best part -- resting quietly in savasana. To this day, that particular savasana felt especially well-earned. After all of that effort, rest felt indescribably good. 

I don't attend yoga classes given in heated rooms anymore. What I still do is find the good in whatever situation I'm in. And I still take in the good -- and not so good -- of life by sitting still. Sometimes it can be hard to find the good and often times everyone seems to be discussing/reporting/dwelling on the bad. Yet the good is there. Sometimes we just have to take a little savasana to see it.

Thanksgiving is fast-approaching, so there's lots of talk about gratitude. I couldn't be more on board with a holiday than with one with such a powerful message. But the idea of keeping it limited to one day makes me just plain sad. honor of a holiday that should last all year round, here is some inspiration for finding the good every day, in every situation, in every moment:

1,000 Awesome Things -- Ingenious to start a blog emphasizing those small things that make you smile. Hmmm...maybe I should start a 1,000 Awesome Things About Yoga blog...

How about helping me out here -- what's awesome about yoga? I'll start it... 1. Savasana 2. Coming up into the first Warrior One of my practice 3. Feeling the coordination of breath and movement (this never fails to lift my spirit).

The list goes on and on. Feel free to submit one in the comments section below.

And since we're on the topic of awesome, here's a video from the man behind the blog:


I love the story and I know you will too, so take the 18 minutes to watch.

This past year, I've gotten a heaping dose of I-can't-believe-life-can-be-so-beautiful-and-amazing good. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all, I've taken to my yoga mat more times than I can count to simply lie in savasana and absorb it all (what a nice problem to have, eh?). These days my good meter is finely honed -- I can find the good in any situation (the good, the bad, the ugly). That's what happens when you start looking for it -- you notice it and then you notice more. 

So this Thanksgiving and every day, let's notice and acknowledge the good. And when that seems a hurculean task -- remember that there's always savasana.



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