Tea an Toast is just so, well, me. It always has been, it's been somewhere where I blabber on about crap, moan, share my interests with others and it's enabled me to meet some truly wonderful people along the way. Granted, I don't really get to see anyone from the blogging community any more and I do feel very much an outsider. But that's my own fault and I'm still grateful for the opportunities that I've had over the past few years.
Instead of deleting my blog or hiding it from the world, I decided to go through previous posts and delete a couple of things. I removed posts that didn't have pictures and I removed the posts from when I was in college and sharing college work ect. It felt like a spring clean.
I've been thinking long and hard about what content I used to write compared to what content I have been writing recently. The thing is, my blog used to do well and I was I think that over the past year or so I've fallen out of love with it because I was in a mindset of having to write about things that others were writing about and having to keep relevant. But that's not why I fell in love with blogging in the first place. I used to love the fact that I could create a voice for myself, that this little spot on the internet was mine to voice whatever it is I want. And I did just that. I would open my heart out on here and talk about things I was struggling with in real life and I would stack my camera on top books and boxes and stand in front of it to take photos of my new favorite outfits or the super cool earrings I'd brought.
It was from thinking of the reasons as to why I loved blogging that made me realise, I don't do any of those things any more. And that's not because I've now got a tripod and a super cool camera. It's because I wasn't putting myself into the blog, there isn't the emotion that there used to be or the love. One thing I was always proud of, is when close friends and family would say that when they read my blog they felt like it was just me talking to them. I don't think that has been the case with this blog for a long time now. It's from realising that, that I've realised the problem hasn't been with my blog or the fact that the blogging community is now so big, but it's because the blog lost me. Because I haven't been putting my emotion and heart into it, it's just not been the same to me. Therefore, I fell out of love with it.
In my last post I said how I wanted to blog more in 2016 and I've been thinking about this so much over the past few weeks. I look at what I've achieved with my blog and I'm proud. This baby has done me well, why the hell do I want to delete this? I couldn't press that delete button and I'm so glad that I didn't.
I'm obviously not that teenage girl anymore who sat at her laptop in 2010 and started Tea an Toast. I've grown up, my problems and my struggles are A LOT different to what they were back then. My interests are different as to what they were back then. Content has to change, content has to develop and grow along with me as I grow. I talk about work, mortgages, wanting babies, food shopping, boring but interesting stuff with friends. So why on earth am I still blogging about things that aren't relevant to 24 year old Sian?
Don't get me wrong, I do have an obsession with buying beauty products and most of my money is spent on Asos! But I need to put my personality back into this blog! I'm so excited for 2016 for so many reasons and knowing that I'm excited to start writing on Tea an Toast again makes for one very happy Sian.