Lifestyle Magazine

Find the Perfect Pearl Jewellery for Your Wedding

By Claire

One way of doing this is to con­sider the dif­fer­ent sea­sons and win­ter wed­dings are per­haps the most suit­able for intro­duc­ing color to the atmos­phere that a win­ter wed­ding pro­vokes in the bride, groom and guests. So which types of pearls are best for wear­ing at a sum­mer and win­ter wedding?

Fresh­wa­ter Pearls

One of the most pop­u­lar and sought after forms of wed­ding jew­ellery, fresh­wa­ter pearls are one of the most styl­ish and afford­able forms of pearls avail­able. Fresh­wa­ter pearls come in many dif­fer­ent styles such as pen­dants, bracelets, neck­laces and ear­rings and you should be able to find some­thing that matches your choice of wed­ding dress superbly – just check out the pearl neck­lace below to see how clas­sic fresh­wa­ter pearls can be in white:

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South Sea Pearls

Sil­very white pearls from the South Seas and are stun­ning and lux­u­ri­ous. Their color also makes them ideal for win­ter wed­dings as they reflect the icy hues of the sea­son superbly. There are many fan­tas­tic exam­ples of white pearl ear­rings and neck­laces that will truly ele­vate a bride’s choice of dress to a whole new level of style and sophis­ti­ca­tion. Some­thing as sim­ple as the white pearl pen­dant below will serve as the per­fect fash­ion acces­sory to a win­ter wedding:

The above exam­ples of pearl jew­ellery are fine exam­ples of the sort of acces­sories which are sim­ply ideal for a tra­di­tional white wed­ding but what if you’ve got a more colour­ful wed­ding planned? Well, con­sider the lux­ury pearl jew­ellery styles below:

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Akoya Pearl Jewellery

This iconic cul­tured pearl orig­i­nated from Japan and unques­tion­ably boasts the sort of under­stated beauty and ele­gance, which makes it the per­fect choice for a bride look­ing for acces­sories for their wed­ding. In terms of match­ing the choice of wed­ding dress, it may be a good idea to con­sider a white Akoya pearl pen­dant or ear­rings with a splash of color from gem­stones such as rubies or sap­phires – take a look at the stun­ning pearl ear­rings and pen­dant below:

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Tahit­ian Pearls

These darker pearls are sourced from French Poly­ne­sia and look quite dis­tinct from any other pearls found on the mar­ket. Their nat­ural sil­ver, gray and aubergine colours make them an excep­tion­ally styl­ish and grace­ful accom­pa­ni­ment for wed­ding guests. Tahit­ian pearls are cer­tainly one of the most con­tem­po­rary types of pearl jew­ellery. You can see just how unique Tahit­ian pearls are by tak­ing a look at the pearl bracelet and ear­rings below:

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Wed­dings are a mag­nif­i­cent occa­sion and it stands to rea­son that the bride will want to look her very best – and the choice of jew­ellery that she wears will have an impor­tant bear­ing in help­ing her to achieve this. Pearl jew­ellery isn’t just an incred­i­bly ele­gant form of jew­ellery, it is also one of the most attrac­tive and suit­able forms of jew­ellery that can be con­sid­ered for a wed­ding through the year.

This arti­cle is sup­plied by Win­ter­son Pearl Jew­ellery.

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By pearl earrings
posted on 04 December at 08:04
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Thanks for sharing.Chemical composition of pearl is mainly CaCO3. Its chemical stability is poor, with acids, alkalis and other chemicals can cause chemical reactions. So try to avoid the sweat, soapy water, perfume, hair spray, nail polish and other contacts while wearing pearls. Otherwise, over time the surface will become beautiful pearl luster dim, yellow pearl will degenerate.Be carefull to wearing.Thank u.