I don't know about you but I have been in the Christmas spirit for a few weeks now. I've heard a lot of "It's too early for Christmas, it's not even December yet!" a lot this week! Well, not anymore bitches - IT'S DECEMBER SO IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME!!!
I mentioned in my last post that I really want to have a go at doing Blogmas this year. For those of you who don't know, Blogmas is pretty much blogging every single day throughout Christmas - so from the 1st December to Christmas Day there will be a blog post uploaded every-single-day! I know, I don't know how I'm going to do this either!
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Lucky for me, BrumBloggers have put together #brumblogmas which I think will motivate and inspire me to do it everyday! I'm really excited to get involved and see what other brummie bloggers are up to over Christmas.I'm not usually one to get this excited for Christmas so early. But I'm feeling it, I'm going with it and I can't wait for all the mince pies with cream, Christmas songs, drinking all the bucks fizz (probably my most favorite thing about Christmas) and snuggling up to watch Christmas films!!

Via Giphy