FIRST FIVE: Karen Feldman, Mike O'Dea, Elke Raskob, Bill McLaughlin & Lou Rossi
Honorable Mention: Francesca SullivanFriday's Cable Top 5 Gold Rush-Discovery 1.4/3.4
Tangled-Disney 1.2/4.3
Bering Sea Gold-Discovery .8/2.2
NBA-ESPN .8/1.7
WWE-Syfy .7/2.5
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5
Sunday Night Football-NBC 4.9/14.5Football Night in America-NBC 4.0/12.6
The Simpsons-FOX 3.5/8.3
Family Guy-FOX 3.0/6.2
Survivor-CBS 2.6/10.1
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
Sunday Night Football-NBC 142,925Family Guy-FOX 109,615
Survivor-CBS 76,027
Once Upon a Time-ABC 39,963
The Simpsons-FOX 21,044
Sunday's Cable Top 5
NASunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
WWE TLC: Tables Ladders & Chairs-PPV 284,136Real Housewives of Atlanta-Bravo 64,544
Psych-USA 51,056
Total Divas-E! 25,006
Homeland-Showtime 18,468
Sunday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings
2013 Heisman Trophy Presentation-ESPN 350,100 Tweets
30 for 30-ESPN 67,800 Tweets
Saturday Night Live-NBC 28,400 Tweets
Iyanla, Fix My Life-OWN 6,600 Tweets
Huckabee-Fox News 600 Tweets
Top 5 DVR'ed shows for the week of 11/25/13-12/1/13
Black List- From a 3.0 to a 5.1 (+70%)Sleepy Hollow-From a 2.2 to a 3.6 (+64%)
Once Upon a time-From a 1.9 to a 3.2 (+68%)
Castle-From a 2.1 to a 3.4 (+62%)
S.H.I.E.L.D-From a 2.6 to a 3.9 (+50%)
Homeland Season Finale
Sorry for the delayed post. I really felt like I let you guys down yesterday. Thanks to those of that let me know how much you wanted to hear what I had to say. It's nice to be loved! So...I was riveted by the Homeland finale. Riveted. Talk about getting back on track. Homeland's finale was exactly what made the show great in the first place. I gotta say, I knew that Dar Adal was going to screw over Saul and Carrie, but NEVER did I think that Brody would die. Never. I do think he's really dead though, don't you? I haven't read anything about it all yet. Just goes to show that you can keep a secret in the TV biz if you want to. I couldn't breath watching the hanging scene. I kept waiting for someone to show up and save Brody. But that didn't happen and it was chilling. I still don't understand mathematically how Brody can be Carrie's baby daddy, but okay, I'll go with it. Was that Abu Nazir's wife who spit on Brody before he hung? Oh...one other thing. If you watch Strike Back and Homeland, you'll notice that there seem to be safe houses all over the place. I find it odd that there are not only safe houses everywhere, but also that everyone knows how to get to them without a GPS or anything. Must be the training. Okay so 4 months later, Carrie's carrying like she's having a boy, but she's apparently having a girl and JUST realizing that she can't do it all. She can't be a bipolar, single Mom, CIA station chief in Istanbul...or can she? Find a great Nanny and go Carrie. Saul's off to NYC basking in the glory of sanctions being lifted or whatever. With all the camera's in the CIA building, ya think anyone saw Carrie add the Star of Brody? She sure matched the others pretty well, but she's got a million mad skills doesn't she? Glad the show ended on a high note. Bonus trivia points if you remember what Saul and Dar ordered for breakfast.
How I Met Your Mother
Finally another episode of How I Met Your Mother with Mom in it. We still don't know her name yet, but she conveniently picked up Marshall and Marvin on the side of the road as they were schlepping to Farhampton. I forget...what happened to Marvin's stroller? Did he leave it at the airport? Mom told Marshall that she had quit the band she plays in which coincidentally was Robin and Barney's wedding band. (Do you remember the name of it? 5 points if you do) She quit because Darren, her ex and current lead singer, was taking it over and pissing her off and because Darren's apparently the devil. After riding with Marshall, she decided to go in and tell him off. Darren, at this point, every one's new BFF, looked familiar to me and then I remembered what show he was in. Do you recall? 5 points if you do. He was busy shmoozing everyone and accidentally knocked into Ted when he and the gang were drinking million year old scotch. Ted got sooooo mad he punched him in the face. Mom LOVED that so much she just had to buy the guy who did it a drink and Linus was back to take care of that, unfortunately Mom disappeared. Not the greatest episode in the world, especially for a Fall finale, but I'm enjoying the Mom stuff.
The Great Christmas Light Fight
Last night's 2 hour light fight extravaganza was SO much fun for the family. We love watching this show. I just can't get over how much money and time these people spend on their lights. They rent storage units to keep it all their crap in. They spend most of the year on computers planning everything out. One guy even had his house built knowing he'd need electrical outlets in the eaves to accommodate his light obsession. We met 8 families from all over the country. That's another cool thing about this show. You see all different parts of our beautiful country and realize how much people are really the same in so many ways. I have no idea how the judges make their decision, I based mine on pure spectacle and I've been right 3 out of 3 times so far. I've loved all the families we've met so far too. I mean how can you hate or pick on people that love Christmas so much and spend so much time on light shows for the public to enjoy. I think next week is the last week, but ABC should have a championship round to crown one supreme family. A tournament of champions! I don't think they're doing that. Let us vote ABC!!! You don't even need to film anything new. Do a clip show with all the winners and let America vote and just present the family with an even bigger trophy! Good idea right?News & Information:
-Final numbers aren't in yet, but the Homeland finale was seen by 2.4 million viewers which was up 12% vs. last year. New show that I watch but have never written about, Masters of Sex, also ran their finale on Sunday night and was up 21% vs. the premiere. 1.9 million viewers checked it out. I haven't seen the finale yet. Maybe after I watch it I'll finally be able to get my thoughts out. I have no idea why I have such writers block when it comes to this show. I go to type and NOTHING comes out. Same problem as one of the doctors on the show...LOL.
-The fans freaked out and FOX listened...Family Guy's bringing back the dog. Couldn't tell you anything as I've never seen one episode of the show. I don't do animation at all. If you were upset, no worries, your fake dog is being resurrected. They can't do that with Brody though. Pretty sure the guys really dead.
-I'm sure you read the newest Nielsen study. I mean that's the first thing you check every day right? . LOL. Betting you didn't, but I read um. I actually read the exec summaries not the entire thing. But anyway, more and more homes are getting more and more tech "stuff" all the time. According to the survey, 16% of homes have a connected TV (That'd be me). 83% have HDTV's (That'd be me) 49% have DVR's (that'd be me too) and 54% have digital cable. D uhhh of course that's me. No real surprises here really.
-YEAH! My favorite Fall fun Bravo show is officially greenlit for more episodes! The Peoples Couch will be back. I hope some of the same people are coming back too. I loved the Long Island family and the gay guys. All of them were great. Yeah Bravo !!
-Congrats to Julia Louis Dreyfus, David E. Kelley & Jay Leno, for being inducted into the TV Hall of Fame. I totally get JLD, and DEK but Jay??? REALLY? WHY?
Tuesday's Trivia Question: Where did Laverne & Shirley work? WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much
Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]