I understand that if you don’t garden and haven’t been through the frustration of keeping plants alive while trying to keep the bugs from eating them up first…. you won’t understand how big of a deal it is to me that I FINALLY got cabbage!
I’ve heard of others growing it easily, but it took me three years to figure it out.
So you can imagine my excitement last night when I was able to harvest almost everything I needed for a big thing of coleslaw. The only thing I didn’t grow was the apple I added in (and we actually have an apple tree, but they’re still growing).
The peppers are also a huge deal to me, as this is the first year we’ve had an abundance from plants that we started from seeds. The cabbage was huge, and it took everything in me to not ferment the whole thing.
I’ve posted my coleslaw recipe HERE, except for now I prefer to chop by hand over using the food processor to guarantee it has lots of crunch.
I’ll leave you with this… because we do a whole lot more around here than just garden.