Dear Readers:
I’m currently in the throes of moving from the drizzly PacNW to my new home in sunny California…can’t wait to get back on track soon to share more stories about wine..the redThread™ that binds us all!

Wine Writer L.M. Archer formerly a drizzled PacNW now resides in sunny CA.
" data-orig-size="640,640" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-image-title="Final sunset over Lake Washington." data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.8","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 7","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1485191060","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.99","iso":"25","shutter_speed":"0.0083333333333333","title":"","orientation":"1"}" width="300" data-medium-file=";=300" data-permalink="" alt="Final Sunset" height="300" srcset=";=300 300w,;=600 600w,;=150 150w" class="size-medium wp-image-16081" data-large-file="" />Sunset |Finalement. ©L.M. ArcherCopyrighted binNotes | redThread™ 2017. All rights reserved.