Tech Magazine
Final Fantasy XIV Will Be Re-released with the Name 'A Realm Reborn'
Posted on the 02 August 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2uSquare Enix is the developer of the most popular of its time, where the Final Fantasy series now grappling with dwindling market players in the game. It is said that Final Fantasy XIV will be re-released with the name 'A Realm Reborn', which will be the second version of the example of the struggle in the Square Enix releasing this multiplayer online game.
A Realm Reborn will also be present at the Sony PS 3 and PC as well as Final Fantasy XIV Online. On A Realm Reborn, Square Enix claims that it has developed this game from scratch, which will come with a new world view that relate to the theme of the game them. A Realm Reborn Will be the turning point back to the developer Square Enix RPG on the most popular?
origin source Ubergizmo