Family Magazine

Fertile at Forty – Tips on Getting Pregnant Over 40

By Momatlast @momatlast

by Jmine Mayfair

It’s not uncommon, for women to delay getting pregnant in order to enhance their career and develop a sense of financial stability. In fact, many women over 40 hold stable jobs hoping to ensure a future that is substantially secure for their child.

moms over 40

Many will say that getting pregnant over 40 isn’t that easy. In fact, studies show that among women who do not use contraception there was a sharp decline once they reach the age of 35. While many may believe that age is just a number, this is not necessarily true when discussing reproduction.

We often read about celebrities who’ve successfully conceived their 1st child well into their 40s. Doctors however especially fertility specialists caution us to look beyond the “glitter” of celebrity moms. All too often, what you don’t hear is these celebrity moms have undergone some type of fertility treatment. In fact, there’s been an outcry among fertility doctors for these women to disclose that they have used technology and to help debunk the myth that waiting until you’re over 40 to get pregnant does not carry any risk.

For those who are over 40 and interesting getting pregnant, here are some tips.

1. Keep your body healthy – one of the most important things that you can do for yourself is to keep yourself healthy to ensure level hormones. Maintain healthy levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone helps ensure ovulation;

2. As a caveat; it’s critical that you maintain an optimum body weight. Women who maintain a body mass index of between 22 and 25 typically find that this is optimal when they are trying to get pregnant. Women who are over or under nourished will find that their hormones are simply not in balance. In fact, there is much evidence that states that women who are obese or too thin can offer suffer from amenorrhea or the absence of menses. Whether it is the absence of the menstrual cycle, or in a regular cycle is usually an early sign that there is probably an interruption in ovulation. This of course is one signal that there is not optimal condition for pregnancy.

3. Vitamin and mineral supplements – women who are planning to get pregnant should consult with their physician and take folic acid for approximately 3 months prior to getting pregnant. As a general rule, doctors will recommend that you continue taking this nutrient during the 1st 3 months of your pregnancy. 400 mcg of folic acid daily before and during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk for neural tube defects.

4. Cigarette smoking – if you currently smoke, it’s time to quit. Cigarette smoke can severely damage your fallopian tubes which can prevent fertilization. Not only that, but smoking has been known to have a detrimental effect on the ovaries and may in fact lead to ovarian reserve loss. For women over 40 who wish to get pregnant, they need to do everything possible to preserve their remaining reserves, and not lose them.

5. Alcohol/caffeine – there is a conflict in the data stating how much of these beverages is actually too much. In fact, some studies suggest that as little as 2 cups of coffee can cause damage, while others feel that 6 cups is acceptable limit. Unfortunately, the same studies show that as little as one glass of wine in a week can adversely affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant. Because of all the conflicting data, it’s best to abstain totally if possible.

6. Timing of intercourse – predicting ovulation has not yet been perfected to a point where it is accurate. Using a combination of methods may help increase your chances of being right. These methods include monitoring basal body temperature, checking cervical mucus, as well as counting days between menstrual cycles. It’s generally believed that the presence of clear, sticky mucus is suggested of ovulation. Some believe that counting day 14 from the onset of menstrual cycle is suggestive of ovulation for women with a 28 day cycle. From time to time, the combination of these 3 methods may increase your chances of predicting ovulation.

About the Author

Getting pregnant even if you’re over 40 may not necessarily be easy. However, these tips may help optimize your chances.


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