Hey Doll,
If you have been reading my blog everyday in May, you will have recently noticed my lack of description and written content. This is because of a few recent events that have happened in my life that just made me feel very sad and I lacked the passion I usually have for writing about fashion and beauty on my blog.
I wanted to make this post very different and different from the norm as I know this is the part of the year that people start to get anxiety about their finals or worried about what GCSE's to choose and whether they got the subjects you originally wanted yada yada yada...
So from me to you; it is okay not to feel okay! These are big decisions you have had to made to could decide what you do when you are older. But don't get to focused on results or 'what I could have done better' because what is done, is done. You can't re-sit the test again but if you feel like you have used your time wisely, revised as much as you could have, you will be perfectly fine. I'm not usually to the one give advice but after watching YouTube star Emma Blackery 's most recent video on 'Feeling Good 101' I felt like she really made some very good points.