This is Joey, my little scaredy cat. He is on constant high alert and can disappear at the speed of light, running to his safety zone under my bed. His latest fear is the air coming from the vents when I turn on the heat.
Recently, I noticed that his fear was getting worse. He was spending entire days under the bed and had a constant look of fear when he was downstairs. It was breaking my heart.
So, I decided to immerse him in love therapy. Every chance I had, I would pet and love on him. He took to it well and soon he was following me around everywhere I went and I was totally covered in cat fur 24 hours a day. His confidence grew. His fear dissipated. And, he became an active member of the family again.
I have heard that fear is the opposite of love. So, is it also possible that love is the antidote to fear? What would happen if we learned to focus on loving ourselves through our fearful experiences? Love the experiences? And, even love fear itself?
It wouldn’t hurt to try. Shall we?