We were sent a box of goodies from Baker Ross that included some brilliant crafts to do for Father's Day. The whole range is so extensive at Baker Ross, they have some fab things to choose from for every event in the calendar year.

We were sent these cute cards that just requiring colouring in and a message putting inside which is great for Sienna. She loves to try and color in the lines, I must admit I did help her a bit (can you tell which bits?) ;) She is getting pretty good though, she did the hair all by herself. We haven't done the inside yet as she wanted to move onto the next thing but we will make sure it is done before the day.

We got the wooden car desk tidy and I was surprised to see how toddler friendly it was, no glue or tape required, it simply all slots together and then is ready to decorate. Sienna wanted to use paint first and then when that dried she used the assorted foam stickers to decorate it further, I think it will look fab on Warren's desk ;)

I think the toolbox photo frame was is my favourite, it has a little stand so it stands up so looks impressive! I did the letters but the rest is Sienna's handy work! She loved decorating it with stickers, stickers is definitely her thing at the moment. We also decorated a little foam tie bookmark but we got so carried away that I forgot to snap any pictures. It wasn't hard though.. just decorating with more stickers (of course!) ;) There is a picture of the completed piece below though.

This is everything we have made for Warren to give to him along with his gifts on Father's Day. I know he will be so proud (of both of us) ;)
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