Dad in his favorite place!
Brand new Daddy Travis and his little bundle of joy, Harper
I have to tell you guys that she is Here! Harper Miette Headrick was born on Monday, June 11, 2012. 7lb. and 15 oz. 21 inches long and a lot of hair! She is a precious little real live baby doll!
She is perfect in every way! I am so happy she was born before Father's Day. Now I have all three sons celebrating the glory of Fatherhood. Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful fathers on this great big planet we all call home.
I shared a very special moment with Harper on Wednesday. I guess I was already feeling a little nostalgic as Wednesday was the 40th anniversary of the death of my father. As I was holding Harper and taking in all her precious little features, I realized she has the shape of my Dad's head. It was a very emotional moment for me and I quietly sat there with her and enjoyed that special moment we were sharing. My father passed away on the the 13th of June in 1972. This year each day falls as it did that year. The 13th was a Wednesday, he was buried on Friday the 15th and Father's Day was on the 17th. For some reason on these identical years it is always a little bit more emotional for me. It Seems to Brings back so many more of those difficult but dear memories. As I sat there studying Harper and thinking of my Dad, I realized how wonderful it is that although he has been gone for 40 years, he is still so alive in all of us. What a comfort to know he is alive and well in a small baby girl that was born almost 40 years(to the day)after his death. The moment I realized this, it was like I could see him smiling and hear his wonderful laughter and I new all was right in my world. Thank you Harper for such a special and private moment, and I cannot wait to share it with you when you are just a wee bit older!