Family Magazine

Fashion Mystery

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

If you love fashion as much as I do, and love reading too – this book is a must read. gives this great synopsis “Samantha Kidd, ex-buyer turned Trend Specialist, designed her future with couture precision, but finding the Fashion Director’s corpse on day one leaves her hanging by a thread. When the killer fabricates evidence that puts the cops on her hemline, she trades high fashion for dirty laundry and reveals a cast of characters out for blood. Now this flatfoot in heels must keep pace with a diabolical designer before she gets marked down for murder.”

I would like to share a little more, I’ll tell you that the book  is hard to put down, although I had to because a 3 year old demands my attention, needs to be fed, bathed, and put to bed. I did manage to read it in a relatively short amount of time, it kept me wanting more.

The author is a retail fashion veteran “with a taste for murder” (this from as well). The plot is laced with romance and a lot of mystery. The way the story unravels isn’t exactly what you might expect and there are some interesting twists to how the end finally pans out. It keeps you at the edge of your seat. I love the description of clothes in this book, like I said to begin with, if you love fashion, pick this up!

Fashion Mystery

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