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Farm Fresh To You

By Vsudarsan
Farm Fresh To You
Disclaimer: This is a partnered post with Farm Fresh To You. I received the product and compensation for participating in brand activities and spreading the word. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Farm Fresh to You is a California based co-op of farmers who delivers seasonal, organic and locally grown produce to your home. If you are like me who loves fruits and vegetables, you should try Farm Fresh To You. It is also for someone who is trying to add more organic produce to their regime. The box we received was nicely stacked with fresh and crispy produce that looked completely organic. Turnips, carrots, squash, onions, radishes, leeks, zucchinis, broccoli, lettuce did not look like they were polished as you would see at a grocery store. I felt like it came right from a garden. Similarly, fruits were not perfectly shaped nor bright - just looked the way they are supposed to be.
I was totally baffled by the presence of leeks until I found a recipe in there to make potato-leek soup! I have never bought this vegetable, and I am so glad to expand my horizon when it comes to cooking. Overall, I'm quite impressed with the quality and quantity of the produce that cost $48.00. Their website is also easy to use and I had a lot of control on what went in my box. Other features I like are - boxes arrive between 8pm and 8am so that the veggies and fruits stay nice and cold and to get started you can schedule them either every other week, or once a month until you are ready to receive these farm fresh organic produce every week. Here are some pictures of what I received.. and what I'm enjoying!
Farm Fresh To You Organic Produce Review
Farm Fresh To You Organic Produce Review
Farm Fresh To You Organic Produce Review

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