Gawker reports that Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, “slammed” Kendall Jenner, half-sister of Kim Kardashian on Twitter.
What did Kendall tweet to inspire 1990s-grunge-era cynicism? From the article:
“Just wish things could be easier sometimes mann,” Jenner said in a since-deleted tweet.
Cobain tweeted that Jenner was self-absorbed, by reminding her of all the bad things going on in the world that we don’t write on this happy news-mocking web site! An exchange of tweets followed, but the more interesting thing is what Cobain tweeted since her rants against Kendall:
“this sweater is misleading. It looks cute&wearable, but if warn all day (9 hrs) it’s f—ing hellish.”
Yes, Frances Bean, you have the market cornered on talking about important world issues, without whining about self-absorbed things!
3 Questions For Frances Bean Cobain That Arise From These Tweets
1. What if we wore the sweater for four hours? Hellish, heavenly, or purgatory-ish?
2. What’s the sweater made of? Did you check the label? Because if it says (“50% wool, 50% poison ivy, warning do not wear”), is that really misleading?
3. Do you always time how long you wear sweaters? Have you considered starting a web site that advises the world how many hours you wear all of your sweaters? If so, have you thought of the name Switter? Sweatwatch? Swatch? (We’re fairly certain the last one is taken!)