Diaries Magazine

Family Meals: 10 Minute Chicken Teriyaki

By Sjay235 @naturalmommainm
Until last week, Simon and I had never had any sort of teriyaki before, and had no real idea what it was. I saw a recipe for a slow cooker version which caught me eye, and we like Asian food, so I thought I would give it a whirl.
The absolute best thing about this meal is that it took me less than 10 minutes in total to make! Or, let's clarify...my active participation in cooking it was less 10 minutes.
Family Meals: 10 Minute Chicken Teriyaki
1 pack mini chicken fillets, sliced
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
Squeeze of garlic puree
Sprinkling of pepper
2 teaspoons of cornflour
It was so easy to make - I sliced the chicken and threw it into the slow cooker. Then,
in a bowl, I mixed all the other ingredients until most of the sugar was dissolved, and threw that over the top of the chicken. (This took me less than 5 minutes)
Slow cook on low for 4-5 hours.
When ready to eat, pop some noodles on to boil and, at the same time, use a slotted spoon to lift the chicken out of the slow cooker. Pour the teriyaki sauce into a pan, and add the 2 teapsoons of cornflour dissolved in water. Heat and stir until it thickens. (This took me approximately 5 minutes from start to finish)
And there you have it! A home cooked meal with less than 10 minutes active input - what could be better?
I made this on Saturday so I was able to put the slow cooker on before we went out, and come home to find it perfectly done, so I don't think it's a meal I will be leaving in the slow cooker all day.
Family Meals: 10 Minute Chicken TeriyakiWe use reduced salt soy sauce, as I am really paranoid about Isabelle having too much salt. As a family, we don't eat a lot of salt so I think in future I would actually use a little less soy sauce, but that is simply personal preference.
Isabelle initially balked at the chicken - I think the salty taste of the soy sauce was a real shock to her! But she went back for it again, so she can't have hated it too much. I didn't add any vegetables, but a few stir fried veg could add something really nice to this dish if they were served on the side, and of course you could serve it with rice as well.
Simon requested that next time we have it we try it with beef, so it will be on the menu again soon, I think!

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