C. Suresh


I am an Engineer and a Management graduate from IIM-Bangalore. Accepting the definition that "Even if you win a rat-race, you still remain a rat" I have opted out of it in favor of trekking, travel and, now, blogging!




  • Self Control

    One of the things that most philosophers go gaga about is this weird beast called self-control. AND the way they go on and on about this would make you feel tha... Read more

    Posted on 22 July 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • The Greatest Joy

    The one thing people think they are sure about is regarding what makes them happy. Philosophers, though, seem to be of the opinion that they are wrong about... Read more

    Posted on 15 July 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • True Delights?

    The problem with 'True' as an adjective or adverb is that the moment you see it you know that someone is going to rain on your parade. Read more

    Posted on 08 July 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Incomparable Fame

    There is this thing about fame. Everyone wants it but even the famous know not if it is lasting. Especially true these days when a viral video or message can... Read more

    Posted on 01 July 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Virtue Sans Compassion?

    There is a reason why philosophers are discarded in favor of meme-creators. More so in these days, really. I mean, it is a digital age and we prefer to have a... Read more

    Posted on 24 June 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Raining Help?

    There is this peculiarity about yesteryear philosophers that runs totally counter to modern culture. Whatever they suggest seems to be an indictment of current... Read more

    Posted on 17 June 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Troll Strength

    There is a quote that I vaguely remember from the mists of my past. 'Never argue with fools; they drag you down to their level and beat you by experience. Read more

    Posted on 10 June 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Vile Pride

    Philosophers somehow tend to be down on pride. They seldom count it a virtue and tend to look down on pride as an undesirable characteristic. Read more

    Posted on 27 May 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Penance?

    There is a lot of problem translating some words from Indian languages to English. More often than not, it is because the word encapsulates a nuanced meaning fo... Read more

    Posted on 20 May 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • The Right Experts?

    The funny thing about advice is that you really respect only that advice which vibes with what you yourself want to do especially when the results of following... Read more

    Posted on 13 May 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Charity

    Charity, for most of us, begins AND ends at home. Which is a pity, really, because the world is increasingly becoming a place where wealth concentrates and... Read more

    Posted on 07 May 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Know Thy Self?

    If only I had a penny for every time some guru of success talks of 'Know Thy Self', I'd probably not need them...other than to tell me 'Know Thy Self' and addin... Read more

    Posted on 29 April 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Crime and Punishment?

    It's a funny thing about punishing crime and/or mistakes. Invariably, the one on the receiving end of the crime wants revenge. (AND if anyone is mealymouthed... Read more

    Posted on 22 April 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Leads on to Good Fortune?

    When it comes to destiny, people have all sorts of beliefs. Some believe that there is no such thing and everything that comes to you comes because of your own... Read more

    Posted on 15 April 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Worthy Success?

    Whatever it is that you want out of life, the philosophers will tie it right back to your character. Irritating though it is to discover that they have no... Read more

    Posted on 01 April 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Finance and Leadership?

    It is funny how money always insinuates itself into any facet of life. Think of it as sordid, think of it as a useful tool, think of it as the holy grail of... Read more

    Posted on 25 March 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • A Good Leader?

    The problem with all advisers is that they very seldom tell me what I want to hear. Why is it that, whenever it comes to the sort of person I want to be in... Read more

    Posted on 25 March 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Good and Wealthy?

    One sort of assumes that philosophers tend to be down on the wealthy. You know 'Easier for the camel to go through the eye of the needle than for the wealthy... Read more

    Posted on 18 March 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Win the World?

    This thing about timing is something every philosopher goes gaga about. Call it timing, call it luck, it seems all the same. The guy who loses out calls it bad... Read more

    Posted on 11 March 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Blemishless?

    You know, it's a rather tempting thing for people to think that a leader is someone who can do no wrong. Leaders, too, would love to consider someone - a friend... Read more

    Posted on 04 March 2024 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION