Current Magazine

Facebook Replaces Thumb With Letter “F” On Like Button… Hmmm We Guess That’s Better Than A Middle Finger.

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that Facebook is getting rid of the “thumbs up” symbol on the like button. Don’t worry, the thumbs up will still appear elsewhere on Facebook in a location that reveals how many people liked something.

And since we all know from bleeped out reality shows, nothing respectfully says “I F—- like something,” than the letter “F!”

Three Worse Things To Replace The Thumb With To Indicate You Like Something On Facebook

1. A heart with lipstick marks printed 1,000 times on your friends’ timelines. That would show a little too much interest in the photo of their sandwich that they posted.

2. A hitchhiking dog. Dogs don’t have thumbs! What an ineffective reversal of the whole “like” situation! And that dog’s never hitching a ride to the Silicon Valley to complain to Mark Zuckerberg.

3. A photo of Nickelback. What’s the message here? “I like crappy music?” “I’m being ironic?” “Nickelback likes this?”

Speaking of liking things, we just noticed that our November 5th entry was our 500th day in a row of humor entries on this site. Feel free to click here to see it and join the many who already clicked “like” on that in appreciation!

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