CNN reports that Facebook is getting rid of the “thumbs up” symbol on the like button. Don’t worry, the thumbs up will still appear elsewhere on Facebook in a location that reveals how many people liked something.
And since we all know from bleeped out reality shows, nothing respectfully says “I F—- like something,” than the letter “F!”
Three Worse Things To Replace The Thumb With To Indicate You Like Something On Facebook
1. A heart with lipstick marks printed 1,000 times on your friends’ timelines. That would show a little too much interest in the photo of their sandwich that they posted.
2. A hitchhiking dog. Dogs don’t have thumbs! What an ineffective reversal of the whole “like” situation! And that dog’s never hitching a ride to the Silicon Valley to complain to Mark Zuckerberg.
3. A photo of Nickelback. What’s the message here? “I like crappy music?” “I’m being ironic?” “Nickelback likes this?”