Ahhhhh social networking… our world has completely changed due to Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. As an independent business owner and master procrastinator, the options to wile away the hours “socializing” without ever leaving my home are an introvert’s dream come true! That is until I experience moments like I experienced this past week; I was sucked into controversies, annoyed by propaganda, and sad that people are so very quick to judge anyone who doesn’t think/act/speak/ or look like they do.
First of all, let’s talk Olympics. Can I just tell you that I could not have picked a worse week to practice not discussing people’s appearance out loud??? My boyfriend and I kept ammending the rules of our pact so we could discuss the bodies of gymnasts, divers, runners, etc. We were VERY aware of our focus on appearance all week. But what really irked me was a people’s incessant need to post pictures like this one:

Ads and news stories like this one NEVER show people’s faces. It is intentionally dehumanizing.
Okay, I get the irony of fast-food and soda companies sponsoring the Olympics, but come on people – it is AMERICAN. What person hasn’t eaten at McDonald’s – or enjoyed a soda at some point?!
- These companies have a lot of money, and make efforts to sponsor good causes with some of that money.
- To simplify obesity by assuming that all fat people eat McDonald’s is just ridiculous. I haven’t eaten there in YEARS - and I’m still fat. I don’t drink soda either… Furthermore, obesity is not as simple as eating too much fast food.
- If someone, even an Olympic athelete, decides they would like to eat fast-food, soda, or candy - so WHAT?! How does that hurt you? It may not be ideal nourishment – but I can tell you that is normal to eat what you want to eat. It is abnormal to demonize food, food is NOT the issue. I swear we are coming dangerously close to the government “policing” what we eat. Oh wait… I think that’s actually happening: we’ve considered legislature that takes the custody of obese children away from their parents – (no)thanks for that reccomendation Journal of American Medical Association – WOW.
What REALLY bothered me about these ads being posted on this page were the comments people made. People who think that fatties need to “have it put in their face to wake up” or “get some self-control already” — so this debate quickly went from anti-fast-food sponsorship of the Olympics, to, “Fat people are the source of this country’s problems!” WTF?! What’s even more concerning, is that despite protests from MANY people about the pictures being posted (the one I chose above was the most kind) this business chose to post more. Here is their business description from their “about” page:
MissionProviding you with the tools to make the right choices at the supermarket.
Company OverviewHealthify your supermarket choices. Eliminate nutrition label confusion. Independent, objective food recommendations.
Me thinks the word “objective” should be taken off of this website’s description… They are clearly opinionated on a variety of matters, or at the very least – a little slanted. I left the following comment on their page:
“I have loved your updates until recently. I don’t appreciate you perpetuating the stereotype that fat people get fat from eating McDonalds – as if it’s that simple! Also, the faceless bodies you use to prove your “point” are human beings with feelings, thoughts, and abilities. You are not helping obese people with this shame filled mission!”
My comment got quite a few likes – which was encouraging, despite the many trolls who then felt the need to attack me personally for having a differing opinion. How DARE I not agree? How DARE I stand up for the rights of obese people? Who do we think we are, human beings?!
I encourage each and everyone one of you to be more aware of the things you post on Social Networking sites; not being face to face does not give us the permission to see each other as the enemy…
As for the “War against Obesity” I urge you to start seeing it for what it is: A money -making- fear -inducing-media- driven campaign to dehumanize yet another group of people under the guise of “America’s Crisis”. In the mean time, the Diet Industry, Drug Companies, and Doctors who get kick backs count the money we so desperately hand over for their false fat-cure-of-the-week… Have you noticed an increase of hurtful ads recently? How did the week of not noticing others’ appearance out loud go for you? Drop me a comment here, or head over to the Health Hungry Facebook page - where I allow only respectful and thoughtful discussions to occur!