That was unthinkable only a short time: Facebook recommends its staff to switch from iPhone to Android smartphones. The headquarters of the social network operator is currently plastered with posters, which compares the growth curves of the iPhone and Android devices and switch today is subtitled.

Nearly one year before iOS was the most important platform for Facebook and was preferred in the development of new features – Android users had partially months on newly introduced functions wait. Likewise, the entire staff was equipped with free iPhones.
But thanks to the huge growth of Android in Menlo Park has begun rethinking and the staff is almost prompted to switch to the Android platform. This also means for Android users that Facebook is Google’s platform is in favor of development.
On the other hand shoots thus Facebook a little self in the leg: Facebook is built into the new iOS operating system, however, it is preinstalled on Android only on a few devices. For this Android comes standard with the Google+ app.