Lifestyle Magazine

Fabulous Savings on Sassi Holford English Bridal Collections This July

By Claire

From 6th to 20th July 2013 dou­ble award win­ning designer Sassi Hol­ford will be offer­ing huge reduc­tions of up to 70% on selected sam­ple gowns from her clas­sic Eng­lish bridal collections.

The Lon­don bou­tique sale will have a selec­tion of stun­ning sam­ple gowns from Sassi’s Cou­ture Col­lec­tion which is an oppor­tu­nity not to be missed to acquire a Sassi Hol­ford cou­ture design at an unbe­liev­able price!

Sassi’s Taunton bou­tique has a wide range of sam­ple gowns at greatly reduced prices from the Sassi Hol­ford Sig­na­ture Col­lec­tion, So Sassi and Enzoani.

Sassi Holford bride Nicola

Nicola wears Sassi Hol­ford — click to see the full wed­ding on the blog, Photo credit Kirsten Mavric

On the morn­ing of the first day of the sale, in both stores, it is ‘first come, first served’ but from 12 noon the sale will be by appoint­ment only. If you can’t make it on the first day of the sales, try and get an early appoint­ment! Con­tact details are here for you


74 Ful­ham Road, Lon­don – 020 7584 1532 – [email protected]
6 The Bridge, Taunton, Som­er­set – 01823 256308 – [email protected]

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