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EverKitchen – 2 in 1 Lemon Squeezer & Cap Opener Review

By Vsudarsan

I love it when a gadget has multiple functionalities. I received a lemon squeezer that is also a can opener to review. This product arrived in a nice box, and it looked amazing inside and out. A nice packaging makes it a fancy gift. Well, I'm keeping mine because I really like it. We are surrounded by neighbors who have lemon trees in their backyards. We have a tiny tree that produces some lemons too. Therefore, I will be putting this squeezer to good use.

EverKitchen's squeezer is made of good quality stainless steel and has a sparkle on it. Even though, it is dishwasher safe, I wouldn't put it in the dishwasher just because it might loose its shine. The holes do not let the seeds nor the pulp through. It is not huge nor heavy, you can easily fit in a medium-size lemon or a big lime in it. I would have loved it if it would fit a large size lemon, but I think only in California I see huge lemons. I've never come across such lemons in the east coast. I believe, smaller lemons and limes have a better flavor. It is also ergonomically designed for a good handle and grip. I don't see this slipping off my hands.

Can opener piece works perfectly, and I have nothing to complain. Overall, I think this is a good product and you can get rid of an extra gadget - namely, the can opener in your kitchen!

EverKitchen – 2 in 1 Lemon Squeezer & Cap Opener Review

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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