Lifestyle Magazine

Erica Stacey Couture Wedding Dresses (Manchester)

By Claire

Erica Stacey Bridal Wear — Pro­mo­tional Video Shoot with Love Gets Sweeter Films

Erica Stacey Bridal­wear from Love Gets Sweeter on Vimeo.

Erica Stacey is a new bridal wear label which launched at the Tat­ton Wed­ding Show in Jan­u­ary. All our dresses are unique and indi­vid­ual for the bride who wants some­thing dif­fer­ent for her big day. Our dresses are hand­made in Man­ches­ter, England.

We orig­i­nally met Char­lene and Lee from Love Gets Sweeter films at The Tat­ton Wed­ding Show. We fell in love with their work and com­mis­sioned them to pre­pare a cre­ative pro­mo­tional video for us.

photography Hannah Dornford May (14)

photography Hannah Dornford May (15)

Behind the scenes at Erica Stacey bridal wear

We met with Char­lene and worked together on the brief for a sto­ry­board. Char­lene was full of bril­liant ideas and she imme­di­ately under­stood the look we wanted to achieve. Our idea was to cre­ate some­thing which showed the unique­ness of our dresses, our design process and our atten­tion to detail. Finally we wanted to show­case how our brides feel in one of our dresses on their spe­cial day.

photography Hannah Dornford May (12)

photography Hannah Dornford May (13)
We con­tacted the team at The Alexan­dra Court Hotel in Con­gle­ton and they kindly agreed to let us use their hotel as our loca­tion. The Alexan­dra Court is a beau­ti­ful bou­tique hotel full of char­ac­ter and charm. The man­age­ment and staff were fan­tas­tic and couldn’t do enough for us. They ensured we had every­thing we needed and were on hand with much needed tea and bis­cuits through­out the day!

Finally, Laura Simp­son from Lau­rel Wed­dings cre­ated some beau­ti­fully, ele­gant arrange­ments and bou­quets to dress the ‘set’ and the whole day was cap­tured by Han­nah Dornford-May.

photography Hannah Dornford May (7)

photography Hannah Dornford May (8)

photography Hannah Dornford May (9)

photography Hannah Dornford May (10)
Ini­tially Erica and our model Cath were a lit­tle ner­vous but Char­lene made them feel at ease and the day went really smoothly. Every­one involved really enjoyed the day and towards the end the sun even shone which enabled us to make use of the beau­ti­ful gar­dens at The Alexan­dra Court.

photography Hannah Dornford May (6)

photography Hannah Dornford May (4)

photography Hannah Dornford May (5)

Wed­ding sup­pli­ers involved

Erica Stacey Bridal Wear –

Love gets Sweeter films –

Lau­rel Wed­dings —

Hair & Makeup by the won­der­ful Jeni Morris

Han­nah Dorn­ford May

Model Cath Eccleston

photography Hannah Dornford May (2)

photography Hannah Dornford May (3)
Erica Stacey is mak­ing a bit of a splash… her bridal designs are exquis­ite; her launch cam­paign an inspi­ra­tion to wed­ding busi­nesses every­where. See more:

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