Debate Magazine

Episode 169, Alternatives to Shrugging Out

Posted on the 01 October 2015 by Shrugger
Episode 169, Alternatives to Shrugging OutShrugging out is Atlas Shrugged for the little guy.  It's about withdrawing your support for the welfare state while building a life of liberty and self-reliance for yourself and your family.
Besides being difficult to accomplish and no sure thing, shrugging out is only one alternative to doing nothing about the situation we're in. In this show I talk about some of the other alternatives, and their pros and cons.
Whatever you do, the reality is that we're all riding on a runaway train, the government is robbing us blind, Democrats and Republicans are fighting over who gets the loot, and somewhere up ahead, the bridge is out.
Make your choice, grit your teeth, and press on.
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Pete Ferron

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