Debate Magazine

Episode 135, Setting Up the Vegetable Garden

Posted on the 06 December 2013 by Shrugger
Episode 135, Setting Up the Vegetable GardenWinter is here, so now is the time to get the vegetable garden beds set up in time for the first spring planting.
We're building our grow beds using concrete blocks, stacked three high and interlocked, but without mortar.
We're going to try Hugelkulture techniques in a couple of the beds for better moisture control, superior soil structure, and promotion of beneficial insects and microorganisms.
We're working our way towards an ambitious but achievable goal of growing half of the food we eat, other than meat, within a couple of years.
We'll also be raising chickens and possibly goats, but that is a topic for a future show.
Gardening is a lot of work, but the payoff is that you are converting your labor directly into something of value which is not taxed as income. It's like printing your own money. It's a great way to be productive while withholding your consent from a rogue government in love with the Dependency Culture it has spawned.
Also in this show: a little "tractor talk" and an analysis of the most flexible of towed work trailers, the dump trailer.
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Pete Ferron

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