Family Magazine

Entrepreneurial Momma? Yes, That Can Be You!

By Lamamma @LAmamma1


Even though they may have a great idea for a new project, some mothers can be very wary about putting their ideas into play and setting up their own business. This is largely down to the fact that they won’t have enough time to juggle their entrepreneurial project alongside their usual parenting and motherhood responsibilities.

There are, of course, ways you can make time as a mother and an entrepreneur. Lots of women out there find that there are solutions and fixes that make it a lot easier than what they expect. Are you ready to take your new business idea forward? Here are some tips to make life as an entrepreneurial momma a lot easier to manage.

Set Up A Home-Based Business

First of all, you want to consider a new business that you can run from home. This will make it a lot easier to juggle your childcare. You won’t need to pay anyone to look after your kids either, as you will be home to care for and supervise them. Older children will be able to look after themselves, but if you have a baby, you will need to work around their needs. Thankfully, babies and toddlers will nap a lot through the day, which is the perfect chance for you to cram in some work!


Plan Your Whole Week In Advance

One thing that all mommy entrepreneurs need is good time management skills. Don’t worry if you haven’t perfected this skill set just yet – all you need to do is plan your week in advance and then stick to it. You will find that doing so helps you split up each day into segments for both work and family. That way, you don’t need to worry about being too absorbed in your work and ignoring your family.

Find Plenty Of Support

It’s always good to have a few sources of support that you can rely on as and when you need them. After all, you never know when you might run into a problem that you are unable to solve on your own. Find a firm that offers managed IT services so that you are never stuck whenever you encounter any computer troubles. It’s also a good idea to find a legal professional and accountant who can help you with the drier sides of running a company.


Look After Your Mental Health

Being a parent can be stressful. Running your own business can be stressful. Trying to do both at once can, as you’ve probably guessed, sometimes be extremely stressful! As long as you put your mental health first, though, you shouldn’t find it gets too much to bear. Make sure you don’t work the evenings or weekends so you get plenty of time to unwind. Make sure you take regular vacations as well so that you can fully recharge your batteries. You might find that taking part in Yoga or mindfulness also helps reduce your stress.

Being an entrepreneurial mommy is easy with these tips!

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