First thing to come in to your mind when you say SPA is RELAXATION. A place where you have time loving yourself. A “me time" actually. I learnt that when I stepped in to Ensotherapeia.

This 5 year old SPA has the most prettiest and friendliest owners, Maggie and Michelle. I was so lucky to spot them both at the SPA during my first visit. We had lots of chat about how the SPA had been so busy through the years.

Your personal belongings are kept well with a locked cabinet so you’d have no problems of misplacing your valued possessions. For a time I leave my mobile so I can have a free time for myself not answering emails and chats, its secured anyway. :)

Presenting the hand and foot spa area. Look at those comfy sofas, honestly I could fall asleep on them.

This is where the relaxation starts…

Then finally my favorite place in SPAs - Sauna room. I always get that feeling that all my body toxins has been sweat out.

Ensotherapia still in the metro but away from the street noise, that’s why I loved this place compared to commercial SPA. It’s placed right before you enter the Pasig Kapitol. For more notes on how to get here by commute please contact (02) 635-0407 / 0925-8641206 (sun).