Lifestyle Magazine

English Wedding – Friends and Followers

By Claire

If there’s one phrase I use far too often it’s “I’m rubbish at facebook”! If you follow me on twitter you’re probably familiar with that one…. but twitter is a different matter altogther.

English Wedding blog on twitter

Twitter I can do. @english_wedding has 2,735 followers on twitter. I tweet most days, sometimes just to say what’s on the blog that day, sometimes to ask for help with future blog posts and to ask for opinions on wedding topics.

Occasionally, as has happened today (did you spot it?) you’ll see a little snippet of my secret future plans for English Wedding revealed by accident. If you missed that one, make sure you’re following @english_wedding now!

Have you seen English Wedding’s Wedding Traditions in 140 characters? Follow my twitter feed to find out more…

English Wedding blog on Twitter

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