Lifestyle Magazine

English Wedding Blog Sponsorship News!

By Claire

Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog read­ers are look­ing for ele­gant wed­ding ideas. We don’t like tacky, but we adore a bit of sparkle. If you have a hand­made wed­ding prod­uct, you’ll be right up our street! And sup­port­ing small busi­ness is impor­tant too: cou­ples are always look­ing for some­thing unique. How will they find it? Maybe it’ll be from your appear­ances on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog!

Spon­sor­ship — news & information

Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog spon­sor­ship has had a bit over­haul: it’s dif­fer­ent from other wed­ding blogs because you have lots of con­trol over your adver­tis­ing. Here’s what you get:

  • A side­bar ad shown on a rota­tional basis, and NOT lost in a crowd with dozens of others
  • A whole page on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog ded­i­cated to your busi­ness with images, links and con­tact information
  • A link to your page directly from the menu, so Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog read­ers can find you within sec­onds of land­ing on any page of the blog

Links to sup­plier pages from the main menu of any Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog page

  • An intro­duc­tion blog fea­ture which I’ll write for you
  • A login and pass­word. This is the best bit! You can sign in, join me behind the scenes and write your own guest blogs for Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. If you’ve got some­thing to tell blog read­ers about, step inside and share!

There’s a media pack here to tell you more. If you’re inter­ested, fire a quick email over to me at

Claire x

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