Lifestyle Magazine

Engagement Rings, Wedding Bands Gels Well with Vows

By Macrogers

Engagement Rings, Wedding Bands Gels Well with VowsEngagement rings and Wedding Bands have been the vital elements of a wedding ceremony. But many of us have been donning them without understanding the true significance held by this piece of jewelry. Some of the engagement rings and wedding bands are extremely elegant and exquisite, while at times it call be really simple and plain depending of the preferences of the couple. Whatsoever be the style and design of the engagement ring and wedding band, the most important fact is it is a symbol of eternal love and commitment and is exchanged after the exchange of the sacred vows. And like the rings, the vows spoken while exchanging them are equally very significant.

It is very important to say something while proposing with an engagement ring or exchanging the wedding band. It has been proved that the words spoken while slipping the ring on your beloved’s finger reveals the trust and hope anticipated by the couple for their future. For some speaking these special words to your beloved one can either be a separate ritual or can be part of the wedding vows.

When words like “Will you marry me?” or “Would you like to spend your life with me?” is accompanied with the engagement ring, the ring and the situation gets a whole new meaning. Similarly when wedding vows are exchanged prior to the exchange of wedding rings, the relationship is infused with a totally fresh significance along with the wedding ring.

The usual wedding vow exchanged by the couple in the church is: I, ____, take you, ____, to be my (husband/wife). I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

It’s always advisable to keep these precious words simple and short, easily understandable. For example: The engagement ring or the wedding band is a token of their love and dedication and exchanging them means they are bonded in close relationship. For those who wants it to be elaborate, can do so by explaining the position your beloved holds in your life and your commitment of love and faithfulness. So placing the engagement ring or wedding band on your partners finger reflects the promise of being together till the last breath of your life and will always be a reminder of the wedding vows.

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