Food & Drink Magazine

End of Vacation Blahs

By Chocolateandoranges
Lunch today: a delicious pacific curry wrap brought with a groupon to Firestorm Cafe.  I'm definitely going to try to reproduce this at home.  It was bananas, raisins, walnuts, celery, carrots, and lettuce plus curry dressing and it somehow all went together and was amazing.
end of vacation blahs
Served with an iced chai and a chai coconut truffle - perfect!
end of vacation blahs
I'm in the out of things to do / dreading vacation being over mode today.  Feeling antsy and bored all at once.  I tried to drive to Great Smoky Mountains National Park but the fog was so awful I ended up turning around.  I've never driven in anything that bad before, I could hardly see 10 feet from my car and it was kind of freaking me out that I was going to miss a curve or something before it was too late.  I came back to town had some lunch, did some window shopping and now have just settled in to my hotel room to catch up on some hulu.  I may check out the botanical gardens here later this afternoon.  I skipped my usual walk this morning since my knee has been bothering me the last couple days and I thought a break might be good but I think it's part of the reason I'm feeling so lethargic.
I'm kind of debating on dinner tonight, I had tentatively planned on checking out Early Girl but Whole Foods hot bar is sounding pretty tempting especially since I'll be up at 3:30am to catch my flight and I'm feeling kind of over the big expensive meals.
I'll be glad to be home although I'm not looking forward to going back to work.  At least I'll have tomorrow to reboot even if I probably will be a wreck with the early wake up call.

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