Lifestyle Magazine

Enchanting Floral Hair Accessories for Your English Wedding — Yelena Smirnova

By Claire

“Wel­come to my magic world of flow­ers. Minia­ture works of art for you to love and for oth­ers to admire.“

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Ophe­lia cir­clet by Yelena Smirnova

Flo­ral hair acces­sories, hand­crafted by Yelena Smirnova

I spe­cialise in hand­crafted flo­ral hair acces­sories for wed­ding and occa­sion­wear that range from head­pieces, cor­sages, bracelets, sashes and more.

Each design is unique and bespoke, using the finest nat­ural fab­rics, such as silk, organza, vel­vet and lace.

Each flo­ral acces­sory takes hours of work­man­ship to cre­ate. Each is made with metic­u­lous pre­ci­sion in a craft based on antique tools. Every sin­gle petal, sta­men and leaf is sculpted with skill. This is an art form that stretches back over centuries.

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Euge­nia hair comb by Yelena Smirnova

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Elise by Yelena Smirnova

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Celeste head­dress by Yelena Smirnova

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Amelia vine by Yelena Smirnova

I get my inspi­ra­tion from art, folk­lore and fairy tales, but the beauty of nature is one of my main sources of inspi­ra­tion. Look­ing at a flower, I not only enjoy its beauty but think about how I can cre­ate it from fabric.

Con­stantly exper­i­ment­ing with colours, forms and tex­ture I strive to cre­ate new and excit­ing pieces that stand out for their orig­i­nal­ity and ele­gance with a nod to vin­tage design. Most of my flo­ral hair acces­sories can be recre­ated in a fab­ric and color to match a bride’s wed­ding dress and accen­tu­ate her individuality.

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Peony brooch by Yelena Smirnova

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Mar­i­lyn head­band by Yelena Smirnova

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Flo­rence head wreath by Yelena Smirnova

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Flo­ral wed­ding hair acces­sories by Yelena Smirnova

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Estella head­band by Yelena Smirnova

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Aurora head­band by Yelena Smirnova

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Aure­lia head­band by Yelena Smirnova

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Ade­line head wreath by Yelena Smirnova

A full bespoke ser­vice is avail­able if you are look­ing for some­thing entirely new and exclu­sive. Brides can order hand-crafted flow­ers that can be found in nature or the most beau­ti­ful imag­i­nary flowers!

I hope brides will enjoy my pieces that really are made with love!

Aren’t they beau­ti­ful? I’m already wait­ing and hop­ing for a real wed­ding fea­ture on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog where a bride is wear­ing one of Yelena’s gor­geous flo­ral hair acces­sories. Please — get in touch! And do let me know which of Yelena’s acces­sories is your favorite. Are you with me on Ros­alie? Claire xxx

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