Culture Magazine

Emma Ferrer in Harper’s Bazaar September Issue

By Fashion Addicted Foodies @fashionfoodi

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Who is Emma Ferrer, you might ask? Well, she is no other than the granddaughter of the iconic movie star Audrey Hepburn. In Harper’s Bazaar September issue Emma Ferrer is channeling her famous grandmother – whom she never got to meet – while posing in classic Audrey Hepburn like shots with all the same grace and style of the original Funny Face.

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Emma Ferrer on what having Audrey Hepburn as a grandmother means to her: ‘It had been a while since I’d seen one of her films, and the feeling was indeed magical. Somehow, seeing her in her youth and brilliance reminded me that I do, in fact, carry her spirit along with me. Sometimes when I was younger, I felt confused toward what having a grandmother like her could mean in my life. But I am now understanding.’

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Emma Ferrer on having mementos of Audrey Hepburn: ‘All I can think of are her cashmere turtlenecks, which I adore and wear all throughout the winter. And a white antique stuffed teddy bear.’

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Emma’s father Sean Ferrer on his mother – Audrey Hepburn: ‘My mother was the same as she was on the screen: unassuming, humble, funny, emotional, strong, delicate. Fortunately Emma has much better boundaries than either Mom or I ever had. But the genes are strong—and the comedic gene is alive and well.’

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Photos and excerpts: Harper’s Bazaar

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