Hair & Beauty Magazine

Em? Ehm, What a mEss!

By Kali Jay @chicmeparis

Em? Ehm, what a mEss!
Everyone involved in the beauty industry knows that the famous Youtube make up guru Michelle Phan came out with her own brand, EM, under L'Oréal's wing. The huge Company behind EM has been creating an empire in the cosmetics' industry, obtaining the leadership in this field. But what did L'Oréal think when they decided to invest in Michelle Phan's own brand? 
Well, she is the most famous beauty Guru on Youtube, everything she says is heard by millions of girls and women around the globe, if she suggests a product, those millions of people are more likely to try it out. This is how it works. That's how Michelle's collaboration with L'Oréal started, she became a Lancome spokesperson and began to realize featured videos for the brand. In the meanwhile her fame kept on growing and here is the opportunity the Old Fox was waiting for: helping this raising star to create her own make up line. I believe this maneuver hasn't been carried out properly. Why? EM stands indecisively between high-end and drugstore brands. We have the quality and appearence of a drugstore brand and almost the prices of a luxury one. When it comes to sellings this just doesn't work, but L'Oréal probably tried to fill this gap exploiting the image and selling power of the lovely Michelle. I guess in the long turn this gimmick will only be deleterious for both the Fox and the Bunny. Substantial prices can be justified just by the quality of the service (in this case the quality of the products), the image (in this case the design and perfect care for details) or better if both of them, that's how a product is claimed a winner. With EM I really doubt we have quality and I seriously have problems in finding the exclusivity of the design. I'm afraid L'Oréal made a huge hole in the water, despite of the enormous effort demonstrated in marketing campaigns. Michelle I wish you all the best, 'because you're worth it'. Em? Ehm, what a mEss!

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