{Oh Richard. What I loved about working with Richard is that he takes his modeling seriously but at the same time he is so humble about it. Most of his friends don't even know that he's a world known model, that he's been featured in big name magazines, or that he travels to Australia quite frequently for fashion shows/shoots. For a while even his girlfriend didn't know he modeled. I like that. He was super easy to work with and its not everyday I get to create a smoky eye on a man. I very intentionally made it look a little wet and messy for somewhat of that "Heroin Chic" look. Thats just what I call it ok? We needed his eyes to look a little sunken in and dark. I used lots of black eye liner and a mixture of golden brown and red brown shadows. His skin didn't need much. I matted his skin and contoured him and left the eyes as the main focus.}

Mark and I have another shoot coming up this Saturday morning and I can't wait! Keep your eyes peeled for those photos.