So I have, like many others, joined a month long shopping ban. I am a self confessed shopaholic. A recent listing of count of shoes and bags amounted to a number that would put any sane person to shame. It is my first time ever, that I have put a ban on myself for shopping, and as anyone in the same boat would agree, the weekends are the most testing. Some thoughts that I have encountered and successfully battled since the last two days. You may blame it on the lack of planning, but it made little sense for me to plan and hoard stuff, and then start a shopping ban. Let the ban come, we shall learn along.
- Learning #1 - My kohl is finished, on the first morning of the ban. Now if you live in India or are Indian, you know it is one of the most basic things you rely on as far as make-up goes. How am I supposed to survive without it for the next 28 days? As they say, where there is a will, there must be a way. Middle-school lessons come handy, I make up a ghee flame, and get myself some pure, home-made kajal. Who knows? I might get into a life-long habit which would save me some money for the rest of my living existence. Such high hopes, I have with myself.
- Learning #2 - My brother's birthday is next week, and I have still not decided on a gift! A workaround - I will give him cash, requesting him to get whatever he wishes. In case he refuses, I will sponsor his birthday dinner. Both the options sound good. I am so glad I picked the birthday card last week. :D
- Learning #3 - How is the idea of getting a nose-piercing? This is the level of random thoughts that make way when the mind is unoccupied from not shopping and thus not planning for shopping trips. Counter thought. If I get my nose-pierced amidst the ban, I would need to shop for a nose pin/ring too. Idea postponed. If the thought continues to float longer, shall comply once the ban is over. For now, the confusion stands sorted.
- Learning #4 - One of my best friends of all times is getting married next week. Sudden thought of wearing my red chiffon saree with a gold blouse. Inner self supersedes - No. No. No. Save the saree for your own self. That's what it was originally purchased for. Heart sobs a silent sob. Inner voice, even stronger now - Wear the new anarkali mom gifted. Since you have to drive to and fro from the venue yourself, anyways wearing a saree is not the best of ideas. Practicality wins over style. Anyways, practical style is the best style, said the wise one.
- Learning #5 - How about the external drive which you have been postponing since forever? This is one of the perils of today's generation. Other than the usual things which anyways everyone buys, we have a compelling urge of electronics and related stuff. I am reminded of a bluetooth keyboard I had bought last year to go with my tablet, it is a definite winner when it comes to non utilized things in the kitty. Anyhow, when the external drive has waited this long, how much could one more month hurt?! Depend on the available free cloud storage for now.
- Learning #6 - Valentine's without shopping? Are you kidding me, really. I have planned something nice to do that does not include shopping. But more on that in a different post. Of course, I have red to wear for the day. It may not be new, but I do maintain my clothes well. Smiles smugly to self.