Last night I had a hard boiled egg for a snack at about 9:30pm and ever since I’ve had a craving for deviled eggs.

Happy Tuesday! This Tuesday is kinda a big day. Why? Because (I AM A HUGE NERD) 1) Apple is having their fancy conference thing that will say when all the iphones get the new iOS 7 operating system. 2) it’s my second day back at work. Can I just take a minute to tell you how much I love working at Anthropologie?!?!?! I LOVE IT. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. I was actually looking forward to getting back to work in the middle of our family vacation last week. And 3) I bought the first piece of furniture for our house. We don’t have a house yet… but I did buy a rolling island. :)

Our family friend Lauri has started this new little business where she buys and restores junk furniture then sells it at trade shows. She found this little table, added the wheels and wire baskets. Painted it and primed the top so it can be a butcher block. She even found a fancy knob for the little drawer. I HAD TO HAVE IT! Now all I need is the house.

I ate deviled eggs for breakfast.
Is this weird?
I whipped them up in about 5 minutes and was back on the sofa sipping hot coffee. I like making things in single servings. Max and I don’t have a microwave, this has nothing to do with deviled eggs, anyways so when we have leftovers we have to heat them up in the oven and it takes forever. Plus it always drys out the leftovers.
So lately I’ve been stretching my culinary knowledge and making smaller batches or putting the entire batch into single serving containers and only heating up the portions we need. Can we please get a house already so I have room for a microwave?
Deviled Eggs for 1 or 2 2013-09-10 11:57:02 Serves 1 a quick picnic fix. Write a review Save Recipe Print Total Time 20 min Total Time 20 min Ingredients 2 hard boiled eggs 1 11/2 TBSP mayonnaise 1/4 tsp white vinegar 1/4 tsp yellow mustard salt and pepper to taste a shake (or 2) paprika Instructions (Here's my hard boiled egg instructions, they work every time! Boil a pan of water on the stove, enough water so the eggs will be completely covered. Once boiling gently place your eggs in the water. Put a lid on the pan and turn the burner down to low. Set a timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off remove the eggs from the water and cool) Peel your hard boiled eggs and slice the eggs in half longways. Gently, using a spoon, spoon the yolks out of the egg and add them to a small mixing bowl. Add the mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, paprika, salt and pepper. Mix until combined. I like my filling a little chunky, if you like the traditional smooth mix until smooth. Using your spoon, spoon filling back into the yolk holes. Once all the filling is back in the eggs top with a shake paprika, a little fresh cracked pepper and (if you're a salt freak like me, a little salt). By Maren Marens Morsels

Do I always use real mayonnaise? YES. Never low fat. Never fat free. Never Miracle Whip.

To taste my filling to see if it needs more seasoning I always fill the filling back in the eggs then lick the spoon. Then I add what it needs on top.