Fashion Magazine

Easing Back into Things

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog
EASING BACK INTO THINGS November! November was the last time I sat here and did a little post on my little blog. I mentioned in this post that my blog needed to take a back seat a few months ago and it literally has taken a back seat! I haven't even thought about my blog for a good few months if I'm being totally honest, real life went a little upside down a few months ago and is only just slowly returning back to normal. As you may know I moved out in October and well, now I'm moving back home to my parents again. Yes it didn't work out well at all but these things happen, it's apart of life, we learn, we grow and we walk away being a stronger person. I won't get into why things didn't work out but I will say that I am happy and I'm slowly but surely returning to reality. I'm in the process of decorating a room at my Mom's for me to 'move into' which is all very exciting. I'm spending most of my evenings looking online at wallpapers and carpets. The thrilling life of a 23 year old!!
I'm looking forward to getting back to normality and I want to get back into planning a few posts, writing posts ect. I've got a few ideas but I've decided (for now) not to have a schedule in place, I want to ease myself back into it. I don't want 'real life' to get that overwhelming where I just don't want to do what I enjoy – blogging!

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