Lifestyle Magazine

Earth Day 2013

By Mamakbest @mamakbest


How will you celebrate Earth Day 2013?  The NY Daily News provides us with 8 great simple suggestions/ ideas for protecting and celebrating the planet.

1. Go meatless for the day, or join Meatless Monday. Not only can eating less meat reduce your risks of chronic preventable illnesses such as cancer and diabetes, it can also help reduce your carbon footprint and save resources such as fresh air and fossil fuel. Learn more at

2. Clean up a beach or park: Check out groups such as the Surfrider Foundation or Clean Beaches Coalition for action plans on cleaning up beaches and parks in your area.

3. Plant a garden: Grab some seeds and plant a garden or window box of fresh herbs or flowers. A great opportunity to teach kids about the beauty of growing your own food.

4. Park your car: Spare the air and walk, cycle, or take public transportation.

5. Greenify your home: Trade in your light bulbs for energy efficient CFLs, swap your cleaning products with eco alternatives, and donate unused furniture and clothing to those who may need it. Or try an eco-swap — trade clothes and household items with friends and family members.

6. Spruce up your stuff: Refurbish old furniture or mend a garment to give it new life. Or transform recycled objects into frames for photos or artwork.

7. Visit a farmer’s market: Prepare a local, homegrown organic meal.

8. Go on a nature walk: Explore a nature path or take a hike for fresh air and exercise.

Learn more about Earth Day:  (Credit: NY Daily News)

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