Outdoors Magazine

Eagle Vs Osprey

By Stabone @stabone
Eagle vs Osprey

Recently, I spotted an American Bald Eagle on a branch in a large dead tree across the lake. I also noticed another bird buzzing (flying closely to) the eagle. I ran inside and grabbed a camera and returned to capture an osprey harassing the eagle. I keep a camera ready for such opportunities.

I periodically see eagles around our lake, but more often see ospreys hunting and diving for fish. Apparently, the osprey considers our part of the lake as its territory. Therefore, it was doing its best to get the eagle to move on, which it eventually did.

Eagle vs Osprey
Eagle vs Osprey
Eagle vs Osprey

It is clear to see from the above images that the eagle was not pleased with the osprey’s lack of hospitality.

It has been a long time since I posted an article to my blog, but I was excited to have seen and photographed this amazing behavior and wanted to share it with my friends and blog followers. Although I have not been posting articles to my blog for quite some time, I have been photographing a lot of Florida wildlife and landscapes, and will share some of my favorite images (example below) in future blog articles.

Eagle vs Osprey

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