Food & Drink Magazine

Dusty Minion Cube Cakes

By Rosvitha @RosvithaP

Dusty Minion Cube Cakes

As I was making the Russian Cossack Hat Cakes some cake leftovers turned out on my working surface. I wondered what to do with it and here’s the idea… Not bad for leftovers! Sweet little good looking cubes decorated my table just in a few minutes. So, I decided to decorate my blog too, with these small sweet treats.

Dusty Minion Cube Cakes
As I cut out all those circle shapes from the cake for Russian Cossack Hat Cake some leftovers turned out. I have put them in a bowl and added 2 tbsp of jam and some orange juice as it was needed to get a dough nice enough to be able to form a square shape a half inch thick. I have cut cubes with knife.

In the same bowl put 2 tbsp of cocoa and 2 tbsp of powdered sugar and mix it together. Put the cubes into the cocoa and shake the bowl little bit to dust every side of the cubes.

Dusty Minion Cube Cakes

If you want to make a difference, you can powder the cubes only with cocoa to make them a little bit bitter. Or here is another variation… to powder the cubes with powdered chocolate or… just let your creativity make a difference.


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