Entertainment Magazine

Dungeonesse – “Shucks”

Posted on the 11 February 2013 by Audiocred @audiocred

dungeonesse 300x150 Dungeonesse   Shucks

The continual metamorphoses of Baltimore fixtures Jenn Wasner (Wye Oak and Flock of Dimes) and Jon Ehrens (White Life, most notably) can be hard to keep track of. I have to hope, though, that their recent coming together as Dungeonesse sticks, because it works well. As Flock of Dimes, Wasner’s efforts displayed an uncomfortable tension: A song such as “Prison Bride” was so rooted in the aesthetics of Wye Oak that one could wonder how it was a Flock of Dimes song. On the other hand, “Replica” was an unabashed Robyn rip-off (though a pretty good one). But Ehrens, it seems, is giving Dungeonesse a good bit of cohesiveness. Though Dungeonesse culls its sound from sources as diverse as HI-NRG, classic R&B, and saccharine 90s pop, it is held together by a love of dancey fun. Keep an eye out for Dungeonesse’s first full-length album May 14.

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