Hair & Beauty Magazine

Drum Roll Please…giveaway Winners Are…

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Hey Everything&Nothin’ Family!! I just wanted to pop in quickly and announce my Roloxin Lift giveaway winners! Thanks so much to every single one of you who read my blog and who entered. You all mean the world to me. Didn’t win…HAVE NO FEAR! Stay tuned because I will be posting more fun giveaways soon! I want to always give back to all ya’ll because you mean so much to me. Well without further ado, the Roloxin Lift winners are….


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Congrats I am so excited for all the winners! I have emailed the winners letting them know that they have won. If I don’t hear back in a few days, I will pick new winners. I can’t wait for you all to get your box! Stay tuned for more future giveaways!


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