Pharmacology, Politics, and Recovery
* USA Today article on Opana abuse rivalling Oxy abuse.
* US Attorneys Crack Down on California Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.
* Downloadable reports from Alcohol Justice, an industry watchdog group.
* With regard to the approval of Lorcaserin as a diet pill, here's the saga of Phen-Fen--how a blockbuster diet pill died.
* Why the Dutch "weed pass" won't work.
* Cigars won't save you: Cigars cause your body similar problems as cigarettes.
* Playwright Sam Shepard on his stint in rehab: “I finally did AA down on Pico Boulevard. I said, 'Don’t put me in with Elton John or anything, just throw me to the lions.’”
* 4,848 and 390: number of medical marijuana providers in Montana in March 2011 and June 2012, respectively.
* Andrea Mitchell talks to NIDA's Nora Volkow
* Listen to the talking urinal cake: Don’t drive drunk
* Feds say celebrity psychiatrist Dr. Drew was paid by Glaxo to talk up antidepressant on TV.
* Reactions to Marc Ambinder's GQ piece on Obama and the Drug War
* Lengthy interview with Drug Czar Kerlikowske by Mike Guy at The Fix:
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